Hiring During a Health Crisis:
Employer’s Guide For Recruitment & Hiring Processes
During a Public Health Crisis, Healthcare workers are needed now more than ever. Recruitment, Interviews and On-Boarding under the social distancing and stay at home recommendations can be a difficult road to navigate. First, employers need to decide HOW to proceed and how to let candidates know that they are protected. Here are some issues that every employer and candidate should find solutions to when choosing to hire new employees or start a new position during a health crisis.
Are you able to navigate the available technology in order to screen applications and conduct video interviews?
- Do your research. There are many conferencing applications available that will offer a professional and efficient means to conduct contactless screening as well as video interviews in order to continue practicing physical and social distancing. We recommend: Zoom, FaceTime or Skype Video conferencing, to name a few.
Are you able to adjust to working from home in a way that represents your company in the most professional way?
- When working from home, Keep your work area neat and organized
- Keep a regular schedule of activities. Shower and dress as if you are heading to the office. You may need to do a video conference, be camera ready!
- Take your usual work breaks. If you typically take a lunch break at 12:30PM, you need to continue that habit. If you don’t take your breaks, studies have shown that you may become less productive. psychologytoday.com states: “Working for long stretches without breaks leads to stress and exhaustion. Other evidence suggests also that taking regular breaks raises workers’ level of engagement which, in turn, is highly correlated with productivity.”
Are you prepared to explain the new hiring processes and calm your potential employee’s concerns?
- Have an outlined plan available explaining the hiring process during these uncertain times
- If you need to meet in person prior to hiring, advise them of the extra steps that are taken to ensure everyone’s safety
- Having qualified and interested applicants is a great start, ensuring that they feel safe and protected in these times can help ease them through the hiring process
If you are overwhelmed and not finding the right solutions for your hiring or employment needs…. It’s Easy to Ask for Assistance!
- Contact Us at [email protected] to schedule a meeting to discuss how Compass Healthcare can help you find the right candidates that you need right now!
- Contact Us and send your updated resume including your contact information to [email protected] to schedule a meeting to discuss what new opportunities are available right now!